Product price list for Visual DBU, DBU, VDBU, XClass++, AdsClas++, Xbase++, Xbase

DS-Datasoft, IT business solutions, Xbase++ Programming, Xbase++ Training
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Homepage in deutsch
Business IT Solutions on demand...
Productivity Tools
Visual DBU Management tool to display, manipulate, query or reporting databases/tables
Lite (supports only DBF, no subscription renewal
Standard (supports DBF, ADT/ADS, ODBC, PostgreSQL
Standard 1 year subscription renewal
Developer Products for Xbase++
XClass++ Add-on Library for Alaska Xbase++ for Windows, 32/64 Bit. Enables easy building up GUI-applications with the true Windows Look&Feel
Standard 1 year subscription renewal
Developer 1 Jahr Subscription Verlängerung
Standard (w/o sourcecode)
Developer (with sourcecode)
Connectivity Klassen für Xbase++
Developer 1 year subscription renewal
Standard (w/o sourcecode)
Developer (with Sourcecode)
Developer 1 year subscription renewal
Developer 1 year subscription renewal
Developer (with sourcecode)
Developer (with sourcecode)
SqlXppClass (requires SQLExpress) table classes for ODBC datasources by use of the ODBC-API
(no workarea, ODBCDBE is not required)
PQclass table classes for PostgreSQL by use of the PQ-API
(no workarea, PQDBE is not required)
Standard 1 year subscription renewal
AdsClass++ table classes supporting all features of Advantage Database Server by use of the ADS-API.
(no workarea, ADSDBE is not required)
All products can be ordered online!
Our own products be downloaded
directly, all other products are shipped
The prices are understood exclusive of VAT.
All products will be charged in Euro €. Orders from outside the EU will be charged with the daily rate.

Product term:
The DS-Datasoft products are with a 1-year subscription.
With the first product order the product can be updated free for 1 year. After that a subscription renewal must be bought.

If there are 3 month between the the subscription expiry date and the
intention to renew the subscription a subscription renewal can not be purchased!
Price List
Standard (w/o sourcecode)
Standard 1 year subscription renewal

Product prices

DS-Datasoft, Technology Partner von Alaska Software
DS-Datasoft, Business Partner von Alaska Software
Visual DBU
Recommended on FDM

IT Consulting, Programming

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Webside designed by iDS